I'm sorry that the American public has treated your family with such cruelty.
Just so you know, I tend to believe that, while your actions were wrong, you were not an evil person, simply one who was misled by an extreme faction of humanity. I'm not sure of the Islamic faith, but the Christian faith realizes the fickle nature of the human spirit and only requires you to ask forgiveness and repent for your sins.
Katherine, my heart is broken for you. I would be beside myself if my husband simply died. I would be absolutely insane if I had to manage my husband's untimely death while reconciling the fact that he died after murdering someone all under the camera glare of media harassment and a bloodthirsty American public who won't even allow you to bury his body. My heart goes out to you.
And this is for everyone else:
Get the fuck over yourselves. The dude killed three people. Three. Fucking. People. You won't even pause to think about the thousands of people who die violently every day, the tens of thousands we've killed in much the same way in Iraq and Afghanistan, but you somehow find it in yourself to passionately hate a single human being who set off a bomb and killed three whole people. I'm not one to quantify suffering, but seriously.
Just so you know, in your heart of hearts, you are no better than the people bent on killing us. Hatred is as hatred does, and you are clearly incapable of rising above the animalistic nonsense that drives terrorism. You suffer from the worst kind of hypocrisy. You may be able to save face, but as soon as you speak words of hatred, as soon as you condone persecution, as soon you condemn an innocent family to suffering for the actions of another, the high horse that you sit upon topples to the ground and you become a squealing animal, bathing in the shit pool of your own moral assertions. If you believe that the Tsarnaev family is not worthy of same consideration you would give your neighbor, then I am ashamed to call you my countrymen.